Issue 255
A showcase of my work for The Saint. In this issue, we discuss the Mermaids’ Christmas Ball, events in the coming semester, and the best events to attend this week.

Issue 253
A showcase of my work for The Saint. In this issue, we discuss events outside of St Andrews, how freshers are coping post-covid, events during independent learning week, and the realities of Raisin Weekend.

Issue 252
A showcase of my work for The Saint. In this issue, we review VS and Szentek’s first events of the semester and highlight the top two events of the coming week.

Issue 251
A showcase of my work for The Saint. In this issue, we discuss review the events hosted in the first week of the martinmas semester and their indication of event trends in coming year.

Issue 250
A showcase of my work for The Saint. In this issue, we discuss the schedule of events during a normal academic year, the similarities between the coronavirus illegal raves and the speakeasies of the 1920s, and events around the world that students planned to attend during their summer break.