Speculations and Sanctions: Iran’s week with the E3, UN, and ICJ
Movement on the nuclear deal, medical infringement of US sanctions, and resolutions on human rights meant a busy week for Iran.

President Trump Considers Military Action Amidst Election Aftermath
Following his election defeat, President Trump considers military options for Iran.

US Election Dominates Iranian Headlines
Iranian officials maintain their position despite US election projections.
US Intelligence Retaliates Against Iranian Election Interference
US Intelligence services enacted a crippling cyberattack on Iran after the IRGC threatened American voters as the US election yesterday.

Iranian Nuclear Construction Hits Headlines
Planned construction on the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility raises tensions despite IAEA confidence.

Financial Sanctions to ‘Starve Them Out”
US sanctions against Iranian banks threaten humanitarian effects during a pandemic.

Iran Torn Over Nagorno-Karabakh Amidst COVID Crisis
Iran’s stance on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is split between its ethnic groups while Tehran faces further COVID restrictions.

U.S. Sanctions Tantrum
US administration suffers another defeat in the UN Security Council over Iran sanctions.