What is Atlantic Blonde?
There is a wealth of knowledge that is lost during the research process. Each paper is researched, planned, written, edited, and submitted. After their submission, many papers are never read again. ATBL Publishing gives these papers a place to be enjoyed and appreciated after their academic purpose has been fulfilled.
In the ever-changing world of early twenty-somethings, there are things that crop up in our minds that we want to share. Whether it concerns revelations about relationships, our experiences in the workplace, or tales of travelling, this is the place for those stories.
The life pages of Atlantic Blonde are a non-written expression of our lives at the moment. Life sections range from our current playlists to art projects we are working on, photos from our lives, and published materials. All for your enjoyment and our expression.
The Atlantic Blonde social media accounts document Erin’s life. Every account using @atlanticblonde showcases the work, travel, writing, photography and fun of a woman in her early twenties
How was Atlantic Blonde Born?
Atlantic Blonde began as Erin’s nickname in her third year of university. As a British and American citizen with an accent that switches in-between words, the Atlantic connection was obvious.
While being “Blonde” is a decades-old insult connected with stupidity and ditziness, it was different for Erin. Her iconically blonde hair has always led people to underestimate her abilities. After hearing that she was “surprisingly smart for a blonde” one too many times, Erin decided to embrace it. So “Atlantic Blonde” was born…
Atlantic Blonde as it is today has a longer origin story. After many conversations with uni friends, we lamented the fact that our papers and research, once submitted, sat on our desks, in our notebooks, or on our laptops gathering dust. This is an ever-evolving space for us to share knowledge and experiences for others and ourselves.